A great product can really change your life. The same goes for your houseplants and monstera products!

For plant products this can transform the way you care for your monstera and give you a more fulfilling relationship with your plant.

Discover our list of the top 10 monstera products and tricks to keep your monstera plant happy and healthy all year long. 

Top 10 Monstera Products 

#1 3-in-1 Soil Meter

monstera moisture meter

A soil meter is an important tool because it can solve the #1 problem of overwatering. This can help to know if you are overwatering, if you do not have enough drainage, or are watering too often. 

Over watering can lead to ugly dark brown spots on your leaves, and under watering can cause light brown spots and dry, crispy leaves. 

The worst part is, those leaves will not heal from those spots. Once spots develop, the leaves are damaged forever. The only way to get rid of them is to prune the leaves or let your plant drop them on its own. 

Use the moisture meter before you water and if you see a 4 or less, it is time to water. 

#2 LECA Balls or Smart Gravel

Houseplant Smart Gravel

Leca Balls or Smart Gravel are made our of recyclable material which you can put in the lower 1/3 of your pot. 

This provides a drainage solution to help lift up the soil and provide greater oxygen flow beneath the root of the plant. Houseplant Smart Gravel also helps to remove excess water.

#3 Decorative Container

monstera decorative pot
Many owners in our Monstera Facebook Group love to dress up their monstera plants. Using a decorative basket or container can make a big difference to how your plant looks in a room. 

The original container your plant is in, has really great drainage. Maybe it is a growers pot or terra cotta pot but placing it in a decorative basket or container can help it go with the aesthetic with your home.

#4 Monstera Plant Food

Monstera Plant Food

You want to make sure your monstera receives the steady nutrients it needs to grow. 

Nutrient deficient monstera plants may have yellowing leaves indicating the need for fertilizer. Our Monstera Plant Food is specifically formulated for monstera plants as they require a 5-2-3 NPK formulation.

One of the hardest things about fertilizing plants is remembering their preferred fertilizing schedule. Some plants like to be fertilized more often and others just need a little bit every now and again. 

If you don’t get the schedule right, you can wind up with root burn, nutrient imbalances, or an undernourished plant. 

Monstera Plant Food is designed to be used with every watering so that fertilizing becomes a habit. That way, as long as you remember to water your plant, you’ll remember to fertilize without accidentally giving it too much! 

#5 Root Supplement

Root Treatment for Monstera

If your monstera has root rot, the first place you’ll see it is in the leaves.

You’ll notice dark brown to black spots on the lower leaves because they’re the first to absorb the excess water and any fungus or bacterial that has infected the roots. 

You want to begin by correcting the problem. Whether that be not enough light, overwatering, and not great drainage. 

Go a little easier on the water for the first few weeks after treating your plant for root rot, but when you do water, make sure to use our root rot treatment to help the roots heal and prevent the rot from returning.

Our root supplement kills fungus or bacteria that is causing the root rot. It begins working within the first 24 hours. Continue to use it going forward with the fertilizer to protect your root system. 

#6 Leaf Armor Protectant Spray

Leaf Armor Protectant Spray

Up next on our list of top monstera products is the Houseplant Leaf Armor spray

When plants are outside they are susceptible to spider mites and insect damage. You want something on hand to protect your plant and kill any active insect infestations. 

If you see holes in your plant or little bugs or webs in the stems you want to spray your plant with our leaf armor protectant spray which kills any insects and it can also protect your plant from future insect infestations.

Nutrients in Leaf Armor makes your monstera more receptive to sunlight and carbon dioxide, which promotes efficient respiration and photosynthesis. 

Basically, Leaf Armor provides nutrients that help your monstera eat and breathe!

#7 Monstera Products | Humidity Accessories

Monstera Humidifier

Monsteras are tropical plants, so they LOVE humidity. Without proper humidity, monstera leaves can develop dry spots, become flimsy, or even crack! 

If your home is very dry, your monstera might enjoy a humidifier. To check the humidity of the room your monstera is in, use a simple humidity meter.

If you only need to raise the humidity by up to 10%, a small humidifier will be just fine. To raise the humidity in the room by more than 10%, you will want to go with a large humidifier.

#8 Monstera Propagation

Monstera Propagation

Monstera propagation is super easy! When you take cuttings of your monstera and place them in water along with your propagation promoter, you can easily grow new monstera plants. 

To propagate, you will need a container, water, cutting, and rooting hormone. Our Propagation Promoter is designed specifically for monstera and other plants. It helps protect the cutting from bacteria and promotes the fast growth of roots. 

Add a few drops of propagation promoter to your propagation container and it will help speed up the root growth process.

#9 Hanging Pots

hanging monstera
I think having monsteras trailing down from hanging pots is beautiful. There are so many difference kinds of hanging pots and pot hangers out there. Find your favorite and be sure to share it with the rest of our Monstera community.

#10 Fairly Lights

Fairy Lights

This is a little bonus product for monstera plant lovers. I add fairy lights to my houseplants to give them a more festive look. On the positive side, these small lights can also keep the plant a touch warmer which in run can help it grow. These lights come in different varieties like battery operated, plug in, and even solar!

What product from our Top 10 Monstera products list is our favorite? Read on to find out how you can learn more. 

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